5 Signs You Need to Hire an Electrician in Washington DC

electrician doing a repair

5 Signs You Need to Hire an Electrician in Washington DC

Your Washington DC household runs on electricity: From work, play, and education to health, comfort, and communication, you need safe, reliable electric service. So when electrical issues occur, you need a licensed electrician in Washington DC.

Electricity should never be taken lightly. Hundreds of people die and thousands more are injured in electrical accidents every year. Electrical fires cause even greater loss of life, injuries, and property damage. When you see these five signs of electrical issues in your home, rely on professional electrical contractors to keep you safe and keep the lights on.

1. Repeated Tripped Circuits

The circuit breaker is the central controller that delivers electricity throughout your home. Circuit breakers also serve as the key safety feature to shut down electricity when there’s a problem. Surges and strains to the electrical systems cause the circuit breaker to “trip,” cutting power to some or even all of the electric outlets and fixtures in your home.

2. Damage to Electrical Fixtures

When you see signs of damage to the electrical system, call an electrician right away! Damaged or melted wires and hot outlets let you know you need help fast. Rodents and other vermin like to chew on electrical wiring, so if you find yourself fighting off an infestation, you should also call an electrician in Washington DC to assess the damage.

3. Flickering Lights and Brownouts

When your lights or electrical equipment flicker or dim, it could mean different things, but none of them are good. Loose or shorting wires interrupt the flow of electricity to an area, causing flickers or low power.

Another common electrical issue happens when you plug too many electrical items into the same circuit. It takes a set voltage to power certain appliances and technology, so if too many things pull power at once, or the outlet is not rated for the appliance’s needs, the draw overstrains the outlet.

If you are using extension cords and power strips to force more items onto limited outlets, get an electrician to install more.

4. Bad Smells

If you smell burning, melted plastic or harsh, irritating fumes with no source in sight, the threat might be coming from inside the walls. For your health and safety, call an electrician immediately.

5. Buzzing, Shocks, and Sparks

When you hear, see, or feel electricity through buzzing noises, small shocks, sparks or any other evidence that concerns you, call an electrician to evaluate the situation and perform repairs.

Contact a Trusted DC Electrician

Your safety comes first, so act at the first sign of an electrical concern. Get a licensed, certified, and insured professional whenever electrical problems strike. Electrical repairs always require an electrical license and insurance. Call Handyman at Your Command at 301-556-3948 whenever you need an electrician in Washington DC.